Eligibility for the refund programme is directly related to the cause of the amputation. The costs of the prosthetic and the rehabilitation treatment can be covered in full or in part by the following organisations:

The patient receives from their doctor a note requesting provision of orthopaedic equipment. It contains a special code which determines what kind of equipment is requested. The policy for provision of orthopaedic equipment and aid is regulated by the Ordinance of the Minister of Health from 29.05.2017. It includes a detailed list of orthopaedic equipment and aid that is covered by the refund programme, the percentage of the cost being covered, and the criteria for granting a refund, as well as the issue periods. The note should be presented at the orthopaedic-prosthetic shop.

This is a program that helps finance prosthetics which is mostly intended for people who are still working or learning, or who are within the working age (18-65). This is because its main objective is to aid people in returning to work or finding employment. The maximum amount of coverage is:
PLN 14 000 for below-the-knee prosthesis,
PLN 20 000 for above-the-knee prosthesis (with obligatory 10% own contribution from the patient)

The note requesting provision of orthopaedic equipment entitles the patient to apply for a PFRON refund. The application can be made in one of the abovementioned institutions at the patient’s place of residence. The refund amount is calculated on the basis of the basic refund granted by the NFZ. The maximum amount of refund is 150% of the basic NFZ refund.

In Poland there are numerous foundations providing help for disabled persons. Each operates a different policy, and the patient should learn about the operation procedures of each specific foundation. The refund applications are also reviewed individually, depending on the given organisation, and the refund amounts offered vary.

There are many various insurance schemes available on the market. Eligibility for compensation and its amount depend on many different factors, defined individually by the given insurance company. Depending on where you are insured and what is your policy, the type of accident you suffered, its circumstances, etc., you should contact the relevant institution/insurance company.

There is a possibility of receiving a contribution from your workplace. For more details, the patient should contact their current or former employer directly.

85-863 Bydgoszcz, ul. Łomżyńska 33
Tel.52 325 27 00
Faks 52 325 27 09
Open on working days (Monday-Friday) between 8:00 – 16:00

87-100 Toruń, ul. Szosa Chełmińska 30
Tel. 056 65 82 600
Faks. 056 65 82 621
Open on working days (Monday-Friday) between 8:00 – 16:00

87-800 Włocławek, ul. Kilińskiego 16
Tel. 054 41 27 400
Faks 054 41 27 403
Open on working days (Monday-Friday) between 8:00 – 16:00
Family Support Centres (PCPR – Powiatowe Centrum Pomocy Rodzinie) in the Kujawsko-Pomorskie region:
87-700 Aleksandrów ul. Słowackiego 8
tel./fax.: 54 282 61 54
email: pcpr@bip.powiataleksandrowski.akcessnet.net;
87-300 Brodnica ul. Zamkowa 13a
tel./fax.: 56 498 47 69
email: pcprbrodnica@wp.pl
85-950 Bydgoszcz ul .Konrskiego1/3
tel.: 52 349 74 13 do 415 fax.: 52 349 74 12
email: pcpr@powiat.bydgoski.pl
88-100 Inowrocław ul. Roosevelta 36
tel.: 52 359 22 55
email: pcpr_ino@unet.pl
86-300 Grudziądz ul. Małomłyńska 1
tel./fax.: 56 462 29 39
email: pcprgrudziadz@interia.pl
87-400 Golub-Dobrzyń ul. Gerarda Koppa 1
tel.: 56 683 54 76 fax.: 56 683 53 83
email: pcprgolubdobrzyn@tlen.pl
86-200 Chełmno ul. Słowackiego 3
tel./fax.: 56 677 24 46
email: pcprchelmno@op.pl
88-200 Radziejów ul.Kościuszki20/22
tel./fax.: 54 285 35 43
89-100 Nakło ul. Dąbrowskiego 46
tel.: 52 386 08 04 fax.: 52 386 07 71
88-300 Mogilno ul. Narutowicza 1
tel.: 52 318 0305 fax.: 52 318 03 06
87-600 Lipno ul. Mickiewicza 58
tel./fax.: 54 288 66 46
emial: pcprlipno@poczta.onet.pl
89-500 Tuchola ul. Pocztowa 7
tel.: 52 559 20 18
email: pcpr@tuchola.pl
87-100 Toruń ul. Dekerta 24
tel.: 56 6608311 fax.: 56 660 83 00 w.266
email: sekretariat@pcpr-torun.pl
86-100 Świecie ul. Wojska Polskiego 195 a
tel.: 52 568 32 00
email: pcprswiecie@op.pl
88-500 Rypin ul. Dworcowa 2
tel./fax.: 54 280 36 41
email: pcprrypin@poczta.fm
88-400 Żnin ul. Szpitalna 32
tel./fax.: 52 3030169
email: pcpr@znin.pl
87-800 Włocławek ul. Brzeska 15
tel.: 54 231 02 84
email: pcpr.wloclawek@wp.pl
89-410 Więcbork ul. Mickiewicz 22a
tel.: 52 389 85 01
email: pcprwiecbork@neostrada.pl
87-200 Wąbrzeźno ul. Wolności 44
tel.: 56 688 24 51 lub 57 w. 103 fax.: 56 688 27 59
email: pcpr@wabrzezno.pl

ul. Gdańska 69
ul. Chrobrego 14
Tel.: 52 322 76 69, 52 328 62 30
Mob.: 509 137 447, 509 137 443

Tel/fax.: 56 648 43 22
Mob.: 509 137 451

Tel./fax.: 54 231 19 47
Tek kom.: 509 137 450